Personal note

CoQuest and CoQuest Threat are meant to be played by young and old for the fun of it. And yet, there is a deeper intention behind my efforts to create CoQuest. I see a connection between ‘Conquest’ games and the conquest approach to life that we meet everywhere today. I am motivated to develop ‘CoQuest’ games as a practical way to foster the alternative spirit of CoQuest in all human affairs.

To create a good game, never mind a new kind of game, is a daunting challenge. In spite of my sustained best efforts, I am well aware that there may be other variations of CoQuest, or fundamentally different forms of CoQuest games yet to be developed. If you are drawn to play CoQuest, but even if you aren’t, I invite you to consider the following:

The simple act of playing CoQuest is a form of social activism. With this in mind, I encourage you to play CoQuest, and promote the need for this type of game. Furthermore, I encourage anyone so inclined to explore other variations of CoQuest, and potentially, to develop other kinds of collaborative game. The world needs CoQuest games. By cultivating the high art of CoQuest, even in a board game, we are countering the spirit of Conquest that prevails in our time. In playing and developing CoQuest games, we are building a new kind of community rooted in empathy and collaboration.

I wish you many a good CoQuest!

Michael Howard